Registering a Death
As your funeral directors, we are here to help and advise in whatever way we can. We are dedicated professionals who provide a personal service to you twenty four hours a day, seven days a week.
As part of the process you will be asked where you wish the deceased to rest before the funeral.
Visiting the Deceased in our care
The deceased may be visited in our rooms of rest at our funeral home any time before the funeral takes place, with prior appointment.
In some religious faiths it is customary that the deceased may be required to be taken to their place of worship prior to the funeral taking place.
If someone dies abroad:
If a loved one has passed away abroad outside the UK, we have the expertise and know how to bring the deceased back to the UK and will repatriate the body. The funeral directors can help and advise on how this will happen.
Let us focus on the stress, you focus on your family.
For more information please contact us or call us on (01922) 622 243